shelter account-1

Do you require financial assistance to build, buy, renovate, refurbish or expand your home/ real estate? Nigeria Police Mortgage Bank Plc is proud to present our My Shelter Account, the product is designed to do just that.

Developed to help you build, buy, renovate, refurbish or expand your house with ease.



  • Ten years Tenor or less.
  • Flexible means of repayment of principal + interest.
  • Payment can be made by cash, cheque, direct debit/ standing order from any bank or direct deduction from salary.


  • Long tenor to ease payment burden.
  • Flexibility of payment options.
  • Beneficiaries can also access the NHF loan scheme to supplement if they are contributors.

What To Do:

  • Open a Nigeria Police Mortgage Bank PLC, MY SHELTER Account.
  • Have a satisfactory evidence of regular flow of income to guarantee loan repayment.
  • 30% equity contribution.
  • Letter of introduction from employer stating present position and annual emolument.
  • Letter of undertaken from employer.
  • Deed of Sale between vendor and purchaser which includes the clause that the vendor will execute a Deed of Assignment upon receipt of balance of payment.
  • Letter of awareness from employer.
  • Valid registered title document.
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