This product is designed to assist parents and guardians build a future for their children by saving for their educational needs.

It is operated by the parents or guardians until the child is age 18yrs.
Annual Raffle Draw (Star Prize – All expense paid vacation for two(2) within the country)
Annual/End-Of-Year Children Party
It is operated by the parents or guardians until the child is age 18yrs.
Accounts with minimum balance of N250, 000.00 as at 31st January qualifies for raffle draw.

Concessionary charges on purchase of Bank draft for school fees so long as minimum balance exceeds N100,000.00
Can be used by parents as  a collateral after one year of successful operation
Serves as a dependable Pool of Fund to cushion unforeseen financial demands on Parents.
Loan for School fees up to N200,000

What to do:
Open an account with initial deposit of N5,000
Build a relationship with the bank for minimum of Six (6) months.
Maintain regular cash inflow into the account and qualify for loan up to 70% of Child’s School fees .

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