NPMB Land Ownership Loan Account
This is designed to enable customer acquire piece of land towards actualizing their life dream.
- Attractive Interest rate of 22% per annum
- Minimum opening balance of N5,000.00
- Flexible deposit option i.e. daily, weekly, monthly, or quarterly
- Minimum Equity contribution of 20% (NPF) & 25%-30% (Others)
- Fixed rate throughout the duration of the loan. No fluctuation interest rate.
- Buying towards actualizing your dream.
- Maximum loan amount is 10 Million
- Maximum repayment period of 5 years
- Monthly repayment shall not exceed one – third of beneficiary’s gross monthly emolument.
- A draft or cheque raised in favour of the vendor in exchange of
- Original and accompany title documents.
- Must have operated account for a minimum of 3 months.
- Domiciliation of Salary.